The Benefits of Salt-Free Water Softening
Choosing Environmentally Sound Salt-free Premium EVO System
Traditional softeners use salt to remove the calcium and magnesium from water to make it feel soft, but the body needs the minerals they dissolve. In addition, recent advances in technology allow whole house water filtration and salt-free softening to produce naturally tasting water without the consequences of traditional salt-softeners.
Preventing Loss of Beneficial Minerals
While calcium and magnesium cause hard water, they also build bones, strengthen teeth, conduct nerve impulses, and contract muscles. Researchers at Columbia University note that the body absorbs calcium in hard water. Similarly, the National Institutes of Health reports that the body absorbs magnesium in water more efficiently than food. Almost everyone wants to enjoy soft water but not at the cost of losing benefits to health.
The EVO Premium salt-free water softener delivers soft water without removing the hard water minerals. Instead, it uses a process that prevents the downsides of traditional water softeners by crystalizing the minerals and eliminating their negative aspects.
Producing Zero Wastewater
The roughly 40 pounds of salt that a traditional softener needs each month must go somewhere when it produces brine water. The discharge of the intensely saline solution can harm the environment. A negative impact on groundwater can damage collection basins and increase the likelihood of impacting the freshwater supply. In addition, it inhibits the reuse of wastewater, and it increases the cost of recycling to remove the high sodium and chloride content. An environmentally-friendly salt-free water softener does not recharge or allow the brine to harm the planet.
Requiring No Electricity to Operate
While traditional softeners do not require a significant amount of electricity to run them, they contribute to the cost of energy. In addition, as an inconvenience that can occur with any electric device, they go off when the power does. A shutdown can require a sequence of steps to put them back in service, an inconvenience that homeowners may not want to experience. Our Premium system does not require electricity. A salt-free water softener can run without interruption or requiring a reset.
Delivering Naturally Treated Water without Salt
The joy of using water that has none of the negative aspects of a softener that requires salt shows up in different ways. A bath that leaves the skin supple and the hair soft provides a respite from the everyday world that can present frustrations. A shower that pleases and does nothing to start the day on the wrong foot can set a tone that lasts. You may gain peace of mind when you know that minerals do not threaten the life span of a water heater or any of the washers in your home. Naturally treated water provides the perfect alternative to water produced by salty brine and electricity when neither contributes to efficiency.
Avoiding the Slippery Feeling
The differences between the way salt-based and salt-free softeners work accounts for a feeling of cleanliness instead of slipperiness. In the salt-free process, water passes through a filter that modifies the minerals into crystals. Thus, they do not stick to hair, skin, pipes, or glass panels as hard water scale. On the other hand, the salt-based process changes the hard water into soft water by removing the minerals and creating a slippery feeling.
Preventing Mineral Build-up
The potential for blockages to occur in major appliances can increase when the water leaves mineral build-up in the piping. A salt-based softener can accumulate minerals when the wrong type of salt can clog the system. In addition, large particles that fail to dissolve in water can create blockages that may require a service call to clear. An environmentally-friendly salt-free water softener avoids any problems that salt can produce, including brine that can foul groundwater sources.
Protecting Lawns, Gardens, and Pets
The excessive salt content can harm almost any living thing, and the response frequently comes from many. For example, goldfish cannot tolerate water from a salt-based softener. However, pets and people can accept it when the content remains within safe guidelines. On the other hand, a salt-free water softener avoids salt issues altogether. As a result, gardens thrive on the water, lawns welcome it and pets enjoy lapping up the naturally tasting liquid.
Preventing Annoying and Costly Service Calls
Hard water scale and mineral backup can cause more trouble than one may imagine. Every pipe, tap, faucet, and large or small appliance that handles water continue to collect particulates that accumulate over time. The mineral build-up eventually leads to a system failure that may appear as a faucet that can deliver only a small stream or a showerhead that cannot provide an adequate rinse. In addition, service calls to repair a water heater or a dishwasher can ding a budget significantly and cause inconvenience at the worst possible time. A salt-free water softener prevents unnecessary repair expenses.
Finding a Convenient Location for Installation
Our Premium E-3000 Whole House Water Filter and Salt-Free Softener provides highly efficient service from any easy-to-reach location inside or outside if it has protection from freezing weather. When you interrupt the flow of water into your home at its entry point, you do not have to deal with it again. You have no salt to buy, no tank to recharge or drain the salty brine, and no worries about power outages.
Enjoying a Simple Installation
Instead of the complicated process of installing a salt-based softener, you can have one easy installation that takes care of everything with our premium equipment. Everything comes ready for a simple installation! Contact our customer service team to get started on the naturally tasting water you deserve.